Saturday 7 April 2012

The simplicity of colours.

Hey Fashionistas, 

So we took out the camera, FINALLY, and thought we would play around with some shots, just to get the gist of what we are hoping the outcomes will be in the near future... 

We aren't expecting it to be a major success.. yet.
But we are hoping that with the knowledge we are constantly grasping we can get to the stage of actually have photos that show our style of fashion and the clothes we want- have...

The simplicity of colour is what we were aiming for: 
A simple block dress, with red lipstick, and brown heels. 

This is fashion that is simple, no fads, no expenses, and no over-the-top-try-hard-wanna-be-model fashion...

just simple us.. giving you photo's of our style..

White dress: Paper Scissors
Navy Dress: Target
Shoes: rubi shoes 

With love Laura and Ally

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