Wednesday 21 March 2012


So, a few and a half posts ago we mentioned the waterfall braid, over the weeks I have been practicing on all my friends hair trying to do the perfect waterfall braid...

I attempted several waterfall braids- 

One on my mothers hair, tied into a bun. This was quite difficult due to the fact mum couldn't sit still. I have come to the conclusion though that it is better whilst your doing it, to have someone hold all the strands that fall down, as it tightens the braid along the way. 

 Hair: My mother
Photographer: Ally

- The other waterfall braid was in my own hair, and oh my gosh I loved it and so many people complemented me on how unusual and different it looks. Basically its two waterfall braids interlaced. I know what your thinking- How on earth do I do that! Patience is the key, and tightening. 
As your slowly doing the first braid (the one higher), keep the strands between your pinky and thumb, whilst using your other fingers to braid... When doing the second row, only grab the pieces that were pulled through from the upper braid... If I was to do this on someone else, it wouldn't work - I BRAID OPPOSITE STYLES ON MY HAIR COMPARED TO EVERYONE ELSES! -weird I know... 

Anyway. This is the update on waterfall braiding- over the next few weeks different waterfall braids will be updated and posted

Hair: Ally
Photographer: Jaykob 

Ally. xx

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